Iconic Senior Portraits that Tell YOUR Story

Model Call for Class of 2026!
The William Edwards Model Program is a way for high school students to earn discounts on their portraits and for us to showcase local students from the Antelope Valley. We are looking for positive, outgoing juniors who are willing to show off their amazing images to promote our studio. If you want to have a fun and unforgettable senior experience that is unique to you, we encourage you to apply!
Imagine images that are brilliant, timeless, and tell the story of YOU. We do that better than anyone else. Our goal is to make each individual who steps in front of our lens feel comfortable and their best! Follow us on Instagram @williamedwardsphotography to see the difference.
You don’t have to be a perfect model size or look like a model to get IN. We base our decision on personality, activities and eagerness to be in the program. We are looking for models that truly appreciate the William Edwards quality, and can see the difference in our work.
Check us out at: 661-273-2110 - 38434 9th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550
Why Become a William Edwards Model?

MODEL BENEFIT 1: You get to be FAMOUS!
Imagine your friends saying they saw your pictures in a magazine, or while driving around town and seeing your picture on a billboard! We use your images in numerous advertisements around town all year long!

We offer 2 sessions to our models! Both are FREE to our Models
1. Basic Session - Indoor portraits - 1 personality Outfit - Yearbook Outfit - Cap N Gown Outfit - 30 Minute Session w/ our photographer - 20 to 40 poses to choose from - $50 Deposit Required
Normally $50 Session - Models get is FREE!
2. Ultimate Session - Indoor & Outdoor Portraits in our Open Air Portrait Park - 4 Personality Outfits - Yearbook Outfit - Cap N Gown Outfit - 90 Minute Session w/ our photographer - 50 to 70 images to choose from - $100 Deposit Required
Normally $199 - Models get is FREE!
Model deposits go directly to your portrait order!

MODEL BENEFIT 3: Discounted Packages!
Because we use your images in our advertising, we can discount our portrait packages as an added benefit! You can actually save up to 60% off on your senior portrait order! This means you get AMAZING seniors portraits and your parents get to save money in their pocket! Win-Win!

MODEL BENEFIT 4: Referral Credits!
You're gonna tell your friend what an AWESOME time you had anyway, might as well make some money while doing it! On top of getting discounted portraits, we give you social media files to use to brag to your friends! For every student you refer to participate in the model program, you'll receive $10 off your portrait order!
Just 10 friends = $100!