AV's Best Newborn Photographer

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William Edwards Photography newborn division is so EXCITED to be your baby’s FIRST official photographer.
During this time, we are scheduling appointments to have your baby photographed in the Education Breast Feeding Center after you have been discharged.
We are following all CDC guidelines and will be using strict mask and sanitation protocols. We encourage you to bathe your baby prior to your appointment date. You may dress your baby in that special blanket or outfit of your choice. We also have clothing options below that you MUST requested at the time of your deposit. Because we cannot have anyone waiting in the hospital lobby we ask that you arrive on time. Also, we must limit the number of people in the education center, NO other family members will be permitted. Temperature's will be taken as you enter the hospital.
We can't wait to work with your new bundle of joy and give you the BEST Newborn Portrait Experience.
For any questions or to schedule your session time, please call our Hospital staff at 661-949-5365 or email baby@williamedwards.net
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